I help passionate brands to win customers using profitable Websites

You need a website not only for showcase but also for high conversion.

A website that not only
showcases but also Converts.

What I mean by a high-converting website is:

  • Looking Good
  • Plus Getting discovered by your clients
  • Plus closing them

Your high-converting website will achieve this through the use of intentional design and on-the-pulse marketing tactics.

Imagine being able to drive traffic to your website with confidence, knowing that it showcases your services or products in the best possible way.

The result? You’ll connect with and attract more of your ideal clients with unwavering support from me throughout the entire process.

My custom WordPress Website Design will inspire visitors to take action, so you can focus on your business, while your captivating website will effortlessly entice potential clients to eagerly complete your contact form.

One of my satisfied clients say about me

My Website
Design Process

Discovery Call

This is the first phase where I dive deep into your world and get to know you. I need to identify the core challenges that stand in the way of your business growth and success. I also need to understand you, your pain-points, and your audience.


In this step, I will set up project goals. I will research the personas, competitors, and best industry practices. I will create the informational architecture and plan the visual direction and show you the best way to achieve your website’s strategic goals be it sales, signups, contact form fill-ups, etc.

Design Phase

I take what I’ve learned about you and craft an elegant website that’s tailored to meet your business-specific needs, I will make sure to accurately represent your brand and keep things aesthetically pleasing and useable for your customers.

Launch Phase

Once you’re happy and content with the look and feel of your website, I will proceed to build it. I will make sure everything is optimized to follow modern web practices, such as speed, security, and reliability. and of course, it’ll look and work best on any device.

After I’ve completed the build and double-checked everything alongside your approval, it’s time to launch your website. At the end of each project, I will provide you with some video tutorials explaining how you can add content to your website and how to maintain the website so you can do it yourself.

My Recent
Web Design Works

Back2Back Music Website

A music website that is strategically designed and built to last. A powerful site that works, and is easy to navigate and convert. Visitors have loved the design and mobile responsiveness of this site. I have added and tested the booking feature.

NUSCBA Nonprofit Website

Paula contacted me to build the website for the Nogales U.S. Customs Brokers Association (NUSCBA). It is a non-profit organization. They had an old website which is not perfectly designed and also not functional. I did my best to give a professional look to the nonprofit website. Paula is really happy with my work.

Hey there! I’m Naba.


Here to help creative small business owners, like you, build a profitable website that aligns that will convert more.

I have been designing websites for small businesses for the last four years, and my clients are really happy with my work.

I’m also a productivity nerd and love discovering new ways and systems to design my ideal day. I enjoy listening to music, Video games, and I’m also a folk artist. I love my Assamese culture and love to play our cultural instrument Dhol.

What People Are Saying
About Me

“Good freelancer, took requirements and asked questions upfront, which allowed him to then work without supervision and he got the project completely done while I was asleep. Provided full details of the changes made and is a top developer.”

James O'Hara

Business Owner

“I was honestly blown away with the design that Naba came up with! Honestly an excellent job, Naba took my ideas and made them a thousand times better! I am very grateful to have connected with Naba!”


Life Coach

“Naba is professional, considers everyone’s time, can think about the whole problem and not only in a small niche, friendly, fun to work with, and productive. Personally, as a founder of the company, I valued Naba’s ability to keep the companies goals in mind.”

Max Grossenbacher

Business Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of companies and businesses you have worked with?

I have worked for a wide variety of businesses ranging from small start-ups to medium-sized established businesses. The industries and business areas I have worked with include coaching, investing, real estate, local businesses, non-profit sites, personal sites, and service-based entrepreneurs.

How does the payment process work?

I have made the payment process simpler and more affordable. For every website project, the payment is split into 2 parts: a 50% deposit after acceptance of my web design proposal, and the rest of 50% at the end of the project.

How much time will you take to build a website?

Actually, the time I need to build a website will depend on the quality of design, number of pages, different components, and features the customer requires. Small projects usually take 1-3 weeks, depending on the amount of copy. and for medium and large projects it can take up to 6-8 weeks to ensure you get the best in class.

Need a High-Converting Website?

Let’s Get Started